
The MDA works cooperatively with other statewide agencies to further downtown development.

Downtown Muskegon

Resources for downtown managers, board of directors, and stakeholders.  


MDA Professional Downtown Management Program- A professional development program for persons entering the downtown revitalization field to experienced professionals seeking recognition of excellence in skills and practice.

Downtown Management Training Series- A 10-part webinar series available 'on demand'. Perfect for downtown managers, board of directors and organizational team members.

In MI Downtown-  In Mi Downtown features impactful projects and programs happening in downtowns throughout the State of Michigan.  Podcast topics include Public Art, Pocket Parks, Downtown Fire Recovery, Edible Downtown Gardens and more!

Workshops and Conferences- The MDA hosts two workshops and one Annual Conference each year.  The events are open to all who love downtowns! 

Member Presentations- Participants of our MDA Professional Downtown Management Program (MiPDM) produce Capstone Projects as part of the Program requirements.

  • Leveraging DDAs in Rural Communities- A 40-minute slide show presentation hosted by Nichole Lyke, Economic Development Coordinator for the Barry County Chamber & Economic Development Alliance, that explains what Downtown Development Authorities are and why DDAs are important economic development tools for rural communities.
  • Public Art Blueprint, Part 1- In this Podcast, learn how the Farmington Downtown Development Authority created a plan to increase the presence of art in its downtown.
  • Public Art Blueprint, Part 2- In this Podcast, learn how the Farmington DDA utilized its Public Art Blueprint to jumpstart the presence of public art in its downtown.
  • Adapting Flint Townships Event Strategy- In this Podcast, hear how and why Flint Township reevaluated the way it thought about events and how the changes have spurred positive results.
  • Hiring a DDA Director- The City of Caro recently created a full-time position for the Director of the Downtown Development Authority. Scott Csazak, City Manager of the City of Caro, explains the rationale, process, and benefits of creating the position.
  • Ann Arbor's Parking Rate Study Part 1- In this Podcast, we hear from members of the Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority as they explain the goals of initiating a parking study for downtown and the development of the request for proposals.
  • Ann Arbor's Parking Rate Study Part 2- Part 2 of Ann Arbor's Parking Rate Study Podcast explains the progress of the study and how the results will be utilized.
  • The Impact of Public  Spaces on Economic Development in Downtowns- Nate Mack, director of the South Lyon DDA/Main Street Program, explores the importance of public spaces in downtown economic development. This paper provides downtown managers and stakeholders with the tools needed to successfully advocate for the implementation of public spaces downtown by building a broad coalition of support bolstered by economic data.
  • Plymouth's 5-Year Strategic Plan- In this podcast, Plymouth Downtown Development Authority director, Sam Plymale, discusses the process the DDA took to create a Strategic Plan along with the best practices he learned along the way.

Marketing and Promotions

The following Marketing resources are available for members of the MDA.  Please login to your MDA website account to access the following resources. Not a member?

Instagram Take Overs

Downtown Day Resource Folder

Reporting and Law

PA 57 of 2018 

Annual Financial Reporting Form for Treasury

The Importance of Tax Increment Financing (TIF)

Webinar on DDA Reporting Requirements

Quick Check List of Reporting Requirements

The following Reporting and Law resources are available for members of the MDA.  Please login to your MDA website account to access the following resources. Not a member?

Best Practices for Legislator Visits

Template for Required Informational Meeting

Template for Annual Report


Members of the MDA may access a folder containing documents from Michigan downtown organizations.  Sample documents include: Purchase Policies, Bylaws, and more.  Not a member?

Links to Downtown Related Websites

Michigan Economic Developers Association

Michigan Economic Development Corporation

Michigan Historic Preservation Network 

Michigan Municipal League

For information regarding Michigan Main Street, a program managed by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, please click here.

Please take advantage of the useful websites below, all of which can be of great help in downtown development!